Friday, February 20, 2009

Carhartt Outerwear Coats For Extreme Cold

If you work or in a colder climate where temperatures drop below freezing, you will want to choose a coat that provides ample insulation yet allows for high mobility so you can execute your job with ease. A company such as Carhartt Outerwear focuses on the frigid workplace to help you stay comfy yet flexible.


When choosing a coat for cold weather work you want to make sure it is functional. For example, does it have a hood that can be removed or added like a Carhartt Outerwear coat?

By being able to remove the hood this will prevent the danger of it getting caught in machinery while it is hanging loose on your back. And, if you ears are getting too cold it can be put back on to prevent frostbite.


You want to choose a coat that will last and stay strong even on the toughest jobs. Canvass is the material of choice. It is flexible allowing plenty of movement yet durable. This material can take a lot of abuse before it starts to show wear. Carhartt Outerwear coats are made of this tough hardy material. The fabric lining the coats is also important. Fleece is always a good choice as it is very soft, warm and does not irritate the skin like wool or a rougher fabric. For colder weather you want to look for a quilted, polyester lined coat. Both these options are available in the Carhartt Outerwear line.

Water Resistance

If you work in an area with a lot of snow fall or a place that is constantly damp then a waterproof coat is a must have. You want a coat with an outer Nylon shell to repel the water. At, the same time you want a warm inner quilted lining so the chill will not be felt. Carhartt Outerwear provides a coat that will suit both those needs. You will stay dry and warm.


A coat that makes the job a little easier is a definite bonus. Pockets are the answer. However you want pocket on the inside of your coat to hold items you wish to keep safe, dry and secure such as a wallet, cell phone, or important paperwork you will need on the job. Plenty of outer pocket space is a great help too. This is especially true for all those jobs involving the use of a lot of tools. Carhartt Outerwear coats have all the storage space you could want on the job.

By looking for a coat that is functional and allows for ease of movement, you will find the job easier to perform and faster to complete. On rough jobs a canvass coat will last longest. If the job is damp and cold then the waterproof variety of work coat is a must. And for those jobs that involve a lot of tools or accessories storage in the form of inner and outer pockets is a great help. Look to Carhartt Outerwear for your frigid workplace needs.

Author : Mike Girolami

Trees Are an Essential Part of Our Life Experience

Trees are not just a key to the natural ecosystem, they are an essential part of our life experience. From majestic individual trees that have historic significance or are simply beautiful, to a quiet grove of greenery we seek for solitude, trees enrich our life experience simply by just being there. Trees are the longest lived and largest plant form on Earth and throughout recorded history trees have been acknowledged as symbols of power, wisdom, fertility and life.

Trees are also symbols of immortality, being able to live to considerable age. Pando, a Trembling Aspen located in Utah, USA is considered the world’s oldest living tree. Pando is estimated to be over 800,000 years old. Pando is a clonal colony of a single male Quaking Aspen. This massive trees root system covers 107 acres and is estimated to weigh in excess of 6,000 tons which makes it the heaviest known living organism in the world.

Throughout the world many different species of trees live amazingly long lives. The verified oldest measured ages are:

Norway Spruce (Picea abies) 9,550 years
Baobab (Digitata Adansonia) 6,600 years
Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) 4,844 years
Alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides) 3,622 years
Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) 3,266 years
Huon-Pine (Largarostrobos franklinii) 2,500 years
Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine (Pinus aristata) 2,435 years

Because of their potential for longevity, trees are frequently planted as living memorials. We become attached to trees that we or those we love have planted and tended.

Trees add beauty and grace to any locale. Blossoms in the spring, verdant summer foliage and breathing taking colors in the fall; trees mark the seasons as they enhance the beauty of world. They make life more pleasurable, peaceful and relaxing. The majesty, endurance and strength of trees imparts a cathedral like quality as they help us to experience a primal connection with the earth and our most deeply held cultural and spiritual values.

The tree has always been a cultural symbol. The tree is often used to represent nature or the environment itself. In South America a tribe of Indians hold the belief that the trees of the forest hold up the sky. According to ancient tribal legends, the downfall of the trees will precipitate the destruction of Mother Earth.

Since ancient times, cultures around the world have honored trees with reverence and respect. Cultures in Australia and Asia regard the trees as mythical ancestors. Trees were often worshipped as the living embodiment of their gods and were believed to have holy medicinal applications and miraculous healing qualities for the body, mind and spirit.

The Druids of Europe were particularly influenced by trees and believed that trees possessed great mysterious powers. The Ancient Greeks are also known to have had a highly developed respect for the nobility and power of trees. Painting and pottery from the period display images of gratification and reverence. The Greek culture held the Bay Tree in especially high esteem as the tree was dedicated to their God Apollo and his young son Aesculapius and was held in sacred honor. Aesculapius was the God of Medicine and thus the Bay Tree was believed to have healing power and was used in many medical potions.

Built in the mid-12th century as a tribute to the Mother of the King, Ta Prohm Temple in southern Cambodia is the undisputed capital of the Kingdom of the Trees. The mystical and enchanting jungle temples beauty is explored with delight and left with deep regret.

It remains virtually untouched by archaeologists except for the clearing of a narrow pathway for visitors. Because of its natural and pristine state, one can experience the wonder and joy of the early explorers when they discovered these amazing ancient monuments in the middle of the nineteenth century.

Wreathed in silvery mist and shrouded by dense jungle, the temple of Ta Prohm is ethereal in every aspect and conjures up a romantic mysterious aura. Banyan, kapok and fig trees spread their gigantic sprawling roots over giant stones, probing walls and tearing terraces apart as their branches and leaves intertwine to form a lush sheltering canopy over the structures. Trunks of these noble trees twist amongst stone pillars and over cobbled walls.

The strange, haunting charm of the temple trees entwines itself about you as you go, as inescapably as the roots have wound themselves about the walls and towers. When visiting the awe inspiring Kingdom of the Trees one quickly becomes aware of how powerfully present and fully alive trees are and one can not escape the all-encompassing connection trees provide in the intricate and fragile web of existence.

More than 8000 tree species, 10 percent of the world's total, are threatened with extinction. Destruction of forests and woodlands and unsustainable logging of valuable timbers stands are causing the devastation of many important species. Clearing and burning of our forests leads to increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a significant contributor to global warming.

It saddens the soul to realize that the majority of the citizens of the Earth are so accustomed to seeing trees that they take them for granted; forgetting that these noble entities are fundamental to our very existence. Trees act as the living lungs of the planet, sequestering carbon dioxide and returning to us precious, life giving oxygen.

Trees have numerous aesthetic and economic benefits beyond their important role in carbon sequestration and oxygen production. Trees offer shelter, filter water, cleanse the air of pollution, moderate the climate, help prevent soil erosion as well as providing wildlife habitat, scenic beauty and a plethora of items we use daily. We rely on trees for paper products, building materials, fuel, food, medicine and more.

Benefits of Tree Planting

We all desire abundant forests for our children and grandchildren. Trees maintain sustainable soils and control erosion. Retaining soil in place by their root mass, deflecting wind driven rain with their canopies and contributing nutrients with their leaves, trees are crucial to sustaining and improving the earth’s ecosystem.

Trees cleanse our air and water. From auto and factory emissions and ozone in industrialized areas to fertilizer and pesticide runoff from rural farms, trees absorb toxic pollutants as they recharge ground water and sustain streamflow. Trees also combat global warming. As trees grow they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the major contributor to global warming.

We depend on trees for their nutritional bounty. Fruit and nutmeats are a staple of diets around the world. A fruit tree can live for more than forty years and produce more than 10,000 pounds of fruit. A tree truly gives life. Apples are one of the most popular fruit tree choices and a mature apple tree can produce up to 500 apples in a season. Consider planting pear, plum, cherry, apricot, orange, lime, lemon or banana trees. Research what will grow well in your local area. Plant and enjoy an organic harvest grown in harmony with nature. Nothing tastes sweeter!

Trees are used world wide as landscape amenities to soften the harsh outline of buildings, to create green spaces in communities, provide privacy, to screen unsightly views and to dampen noise pollution as well as beautify the property. Shrubs and trees, properly planted and tended on a residential or commercial lot can significantly increase real estate value. Mature, healthy trees add an average of 20 per cent to a property’s value.

Planting trees saves energy. Trees planted strategically around our homes will decrease cooling costs in summer and provide a windbreak against the cold winds of winter thus saving on heating expenses. Depending on species and maturity, the cooling shade of trees can reduce home energy consumption by up to 20 percent. Air temperature in the vicinity of trees is cooler than that away from trees. The larger the tree, the greater the cooling effect. Tree planting in urban areas moderates the heat-island effect caused by concrete paving and heat absorbing buildings.

Planting trees feels good! It is immensely satisfying to plant a tree, happy in the knowledge that this gift to the earth will bring joy, shelter and sustenance to our children, grandchildren and countless future generations.

Environmental Stewardship

Problems caused by massive and increasing levels of deforestation worldwide has raised awareness of environmental issues and the crucial role forests play. Climate change is the largest environmental issue the world faces this century. People of all ages throughout the world agree that we must act. However sometimes the task seems overwhelming, the challenge too global for any one person to make a difference. Wrong! Every individual act has rewards and consequences.

Celebrate Life! Plant A Tree!

Plant trees in your yard, volunteer with civic and community tree restoration efforts and contribute to non-profit organizations implementing reforestation.

Consider green gifting. Are you looking for the perfect gift for a birthday, wedding, anniversary celebrations or any milestone occasion? Are you looking for a meaningful way to mark the birth of your child or grandchild? Would you like a special way to memorialize a loved one who has passed away, a unique way to honor a veteran? Giving the gift of a celebration or memorial tree is a unique gift that will last a lifetime.

There is strength in numbers. Together we can make a difference. Take action by living a green lifestyle to reduce your carbon output, educate children about protecting the planet we all share and be part of the solution simply by planting more trees.

Author : Marlene Affeld

Making the Right Choices When Buying Replica Watches Online

In todays online market there are plenty of replica watches available for sale. But if you plan on buying one, take your time and choose wisely. By choosing one that's not high quality, you might as well not buy one at all. Try and find that perfect replica watch, the one you you know is perfect as soon as you see it online. However you will need to know where to get it from and which online store to trust. The worst feeling is when you buy a replica watch and it ends up being a bad copy that simply looks cheap and nothing like its real counterpart.

Finding an online shop selling replica watches with precise movements and having perfect duplication to the original is no easy task. And it is obvious that this type of watch will not come cheap. So when you are shopping for a replica watch do not make the mistake of simply choosing the lowest price replica watch that you were able to find. Rather invest some time in research and be ready to spend that little bi more that will end up making all the difference in the watches overall quality and duplication. Also consider the following tips so you can avoid an improper retailer:

1. Does the retailer that is selling the replica watches offer a way to get in touch with them? Perhaps a live chat system or an email address.

2. Do they respond to your inquiries in a reasonable time frame?

3. Do they show you pictures of the actual watch they are selling? I always try to avoid companies that use a stock photo, since a stock photo will not show you the quality of duplication on the replica watch that they are selling, therefor having no relevance as to what you will be buying.

4. Last but not least, do they accept credit cards like Visa and Mastercard? buying with a credit card gives you control so you will not be ripped off. You will also most certainly want to avoid companies that only accept payments via money order or check (one they have your money, you are at there mercy to deliver what they promise).

In todays online market there are replica watches on the market that are 99% accurate in their duplication of the original. Finding those replicas is a task but if you follow the above guidelines most times you will have safely chosen a proper retailer. It really is not as hard as you might think.

Ultimatley what to buy and where to buy is your choice. Choosing which replica watch retailer you want to use and what quality level of watch to buy (most likely based on your overall budget). But you should also remember that when it comes to replica watches, you need to be, and can be very picky. There are so many online retailers why not take your time and find the right one. Find one that will give you the best quality, best duplication and best customer service (not just the best price).

So if you are in the market for a new watch but simply can not afford the extremely high pricing of a luxury, brand name watch, don't give up, there will be a replica out there that will make you just as happy as having the real deal. Just be patient and choose wisely, it will be worth it!

Author : Ralph Lowell

Obama’s Plan to Tax the Poor

Obama claims that he plans to pay for his spending increases by taxing corporations and the rich, while cutting taxes to the middle class. What he does not tell you is that his tax plans will essentially raise taxes on the poorest Americans. He also does not tell you that his taxes on the rich will not come even close to paying for more tax cuts for the middle class. He says that he will pay for his programs by closing corporate tax loopholes. He does not say which loop holes he will close. Many tax loopholes were created to encourage large corporations to help the poor. Closing these loopholes will hurt many of the poorest of Americans.

There are two other major ways that Obama plans on taxing the poor. One is by raising taxes on corporations and second is by making businesses pay for insurance for people who do not work for their companies. Both of these programs will significantly impact the poor and especially the poorest of all Americans.

Obama like many Democrats, is relying on the general lack of understanding of how taxes work. They want you to think that they are taxing someone else. There is only one group of Americans that pay taxes, that is the individual tax payer. Yes, you can tax companies and corporations but they are not the ones who pay the taxes. The taxes are paid by the people who buy their products or use their services. If you raise taxes on businesses they have no choice but to add the cost into the prices of their products or services. If they do not they go out of business. Below is an example of how taxing corporations affects prices. For the example I will use food because everyone including the poorest of the poor has to buy food.

The example is a can of pears. Since almost all farmers have incorporated to be able to stay in business, they will have to raise their prices. They send the pears to a packing house that is incorporated so they have to raise their price. A trucking company takes the pears to manufacturer to can the pears, they have to raise their price to pay the corporate taxes. The pears are sent to a national distributor, who has mark up their price. The distributor sends the canned pears to the local grocery store, which is also incorporated, so they have to raise their prices as well. This means that at least 5 different corporations have had to raise their prices just so you can buy a can of pears.

It works this way for every product manufactured in America. It does not matter if it is food, cars, electronics cosmetics pharmaceuticals or anything else. If you raise taxes on corporations the consumer has to pay more for every product they buy.

The second way Obama plans on taxing the poor is in his health care plan. His plan calls for all companies (incorporated or not) to pay for health care not only for their employees but they will also have to pay into a pool for people who do not work for their companies. When you make companies pay for insurance for people who are not employed by the company then you raise their costs. They have no choice but to raise their prices to be able to make ends meet. Who ends up paying or the insurance for 45 million Americans? You do! Under Obama’s plan, everyone will have to pay more, even the people who cannot now afford to feed and clothe their families.

To sum up there are three ways Obama’s plan will affect the poor.

1. Closing corporate loopholes designed to help the poor.
2. Forcing the poor to pay for the many levels of price increases due to corporate taxes.
3. Forcing all business to pay into a pool to cover those who do not have insurance will raise prices on the products that the poor purchase.

Author : Rusty Ford